If you want to play high end computer games in your Windows PC, then DirectX is almost always required. Not only your PC should have the latest version of the DirectX software installed, your graphics card should also support the DirectX version required by the computer game that you want to play. For example, the Need for Speed Rivals game for PC requires that you have a graphics card with DirectX 10.1 support and obviously DirectX installed in Windows too. There is not much you can do with the graphics card other than buying a newer and better one. But you can always fix or update the DirectX software in Windows using DirectX Happy Uninstall.
DirectX Happy Uninstall is a software that helps you manage DirectX installation in your Windows PC. It allows you to backup and restore any version of DirectX installed in your PC. You can also roll back to the original stock version of DirectX from your Windows installation DVD. And as you can guess from its name, it is also able to remove the already installed DirectX libraries from Windows. This is an ideal software for fixing the DirectX related problems in Windows. It works with both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows.
On the main screen of the DirectX Happy Uninstall, you can see some of the very basic information about your system like the operating system version, DirectX version and whether an update to the DirectX installed on your PC is available. You can also run the DirectX diagnostic tool (dxdiag) from here.
The rest of the options like backup (backup the currently installed version of DirectX), restore (restoring the DirectX from previous backups), rollback (remove DirectX and then reinstall it from Windows installation disk), install and uninstall are available only in the registered version for which you have to shell out $20 from your pocket.
Verdict: Although most of the features are not available in the free version, DirectX Happy Uninstall could be used to find out if there is any newer version of DirectX is available for your PC or not. You can also run DirectX diagnostics using this tool.
You can download DirectX Happy Uninstall from http://www.superfoxs.com/.