How to Make Your Own Donald Trump Mask

Believe it or not, Mr. Donald Trump is the new president of the United States. The people who supported the other candidate, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, are surprised and shocked. And millions of people who supported Mr. Trump are rejoicing and celebrating all across the US. But it is not only the US where Mr. Trump has supporters or fans. In many other countries, he has a large following. For example, in Japan there are so many young people who are buying books written on him, they are watching him on TV, they are making Youtube videos about him, and sharing his views on social networking and more. For example, look at this video made by a Japanese young lady:

If you are one of the Trump fans or you are crying over the loss of Hillary Clinton and want to protest, then in either case you would want to have a Trump mask that you wear in different public events like rallies or protests or demonstrations. A clever Japanese man Andy Kong has created a Donald Trump mask that you can print on your color printer and then glue together its various parts.

Donald Trump Mask

The Donald Trump face mask is available directly in form of a PDF file P1626.pdf. You can just print this file using your color printer, then cut out various parts and use any standard glue to stick them together and create the mask. The mask must be dried properly before you can use it.

It is not really difficult to find out which part of the cut outs goes where. But if you to be able to know where each part is joined together making a full mask, then you will have to download and install the Pepakura Design software. It is basically a software for creating, viewing and printing the paper crafts.

Donald Trump Mask

After this, you can download the Donald Trump face mask design file P1626.pdo from You can just double-click on this file to open it in the Pepakura Viewer or Pepakura Designer. As you move your cursor on the various edges of the cutouts, it will display where it should be joined together with other cut outs using a red line. This makes it easier to understand how to put together various parts of the mask.

Conclusion: Donald Trump fans can now wear the Trump face mask printed at their home in various parties, rallies, or even protests. And it does not really cost anything much.