If you have been paying for the services of a good web hosting provider, then perhaps you already have access to tools that can help you create picture galleries for your websites. Similarly, if you know a little bit of HTML, CSS and Javascript, then you can create a photo gallery webpage yourself. Furthermore, there are tons of CMS (content management systems) that can be used to build websites for professional picture galleries. But if you want to save time or are not using paid web hosting services, then you can use PhotoPageGen to instantly create web pages with picture galleries using your images.
PhotoPageGen allows you to create a customized picture gallery using a folder containing all of your pictures. In fact, the first thing you have to do after launching the PhotoPageGen is to drag-n-drop the folder containing your pictures onto the PhotoPageGen window. After this, you can fill in various details like the website title, subtitle, description, background, background color, website width and so on. You can also choose various styles and settings for the thumbnails. For example, you can make the thumbnails look tilted.
A preview of the website can be viewed by clicking on the Preview button. This opens a new PhotoPageGen window where the preview of the website is shown. You can scroll up and down to see how the page would look. You can also click on various thumbnails to see how the full size images would be displayed. If you make changes in the website settings in the main PhotoPageGen window, the changes will automatically updated in the preview window.
When you are done making changes and are satisfied with how the preview looks like, you can click on the Publish button. It will then show you options to upload the finished website files to a remote FTP server, BitBalloon or NeoCities. You do not need a FTP client or anything else – the uploading is done automatically by PhotoPageGen.
Conclusion: PhotoPageGen makes it easy to create photo galleries website and upload them to the FTP server or other services like BitBalloon. It gives you many options to customize the look and feel of the website and allows even to include videos in addition to pictures.
You can download PhotoPageGen from http://www.photopagegen.com/.