Many of the people using the internet do not realize what really happens when you enter a website address in the web browser. When you enter a web site address, the web browser has to first convert the domain name (e.g., for that website into an IP address (e.g., For this conversion, the web browser requests the default DNS server set by the operating system for a network interface card (NIC). This server can translate website domains into IP addresses. After this, web browser can proceed to connect to the web server located on that IP address.
When your computer has DNS configuration problems, you may have trouble connecting to the internet or you may get completely offline. Furthermore, if the small cache holding the previous DNS requests become corrupted, then you will face problems connecting to some specific sites. In order to fix the DNS cache corruption in your Windows PC, you can use the free Clean_DNS tool.
In the Clean_DNS tool, you can click on the Control button so that it can scan your computer for problems that could be causing DNS hiccups. It will scan the DNS cache and display your all the entries that it has found. You can then click on the Repair button to make it clean all the entries that were shown to you. After this it will display your a log of all the actions that it has taken.
Even though there are a few commands that can also do the same thing, Clean_DNS tool is much easier to use compared to opening an elevated command prompt and then giving some commands. The DNS cache should be repaired as soon as you the “Repair” process is complete, but you may want to reboot your PC for complete DNS cache fix.
You can download Clean_DNS from
This is also a good/free tool for finding the fastest DNS servers in your area. He has several other utilities that have proved to be useful and they are very lightweight.