iolo Auto Memory Manager Keeps Freeing Memory in Android

One of the woes of Android users is that all the apps running in the background keep using all the memory of the Android device to the maximum. This makes the Android device very slow and sluggish. In order to make Android device working properly, you should install apps that can free up the memory in Android from time to time. These apps can kill the apps running in the background and recover the memory for the use of other apps or for the Android system.

iolo Auto Memory Manager is one such app that can automatically manage your device’s RAM. In the app, you have to select how much RAM should be freed by it every now and then. The app shows three presets for managing the memory – aggressive, mild and default in the descending order of memory that the app can free up on your Android device. Of course, you can customize the various threshold levels for different things after which the app kicks in and kills the background processes to free up the RAM.

iolo Auto Memory Manager

You can see the menu for the app by tapping on the menu button of your device. From here, you can tap on Running Processes to view a list of all the running processes and apps on your device. You can kill any of these apps or processes from this list if you have enough permission. If you have a rooted Android device, then Auto Memory Manager is able to kill even more processes and free up the RAM in a much more efficient way.

iolo Auto Memory Manager

Unfortunately, Auto Memory Manager has not been updated to work with newer Android versions and it simply fails to launch if you try to use it on Android Marshmallow or Android Nougat. If you are still using your old faithful Android device, then you can make it work more efficiently using Auto Memory Manager.

You can download Auto Memory Manager from