PDF documents are very popular because they appear exactly the same on all devices. PDF documents are also used to make sure that your documents are reproduced on any printer without looking different. This is why we come across PDF documents so often on the internet.
One of the features of the PDF documents is the ability to control what other people can do with your documents like allowing or disallowing to print the document, to copy the text, to copy the images and so on. You can even password protect the PDF documents. But you cannot password protect individual selected pages in a PDF document using the built-in PDF security features.
If you want to password protect or lock the individual selected pages in a PDF document then you can use the PDF Page Lock software. It allows you to hide or lock one or more selected pages in the PDF document very easily so that nobody can view them. The resulting PDF files are compatible with all the PDF viewer applications.
Using PDF Page Lock is very easy. You have to open a PDF document, select the pages that you want to hide and then click on the Lock button. A red padlock icon will be displayed in the page preview over the pages that are locked. You can then save the PDF file and it will ask you for a password before saving the PDF document with locked pages.
If you open this file in your PDF viewer program like Foxit Reader or Adobe PDF Reader then you will see a big dark lock instead of seeing the page in the PDF document. You cannot even open this PDF file in a PDF editor to reveal the hidden content. The only way to unhide or unlock the pages is through the PDF Page Lock program itself.
Conclusion: PDF Page Lock is the easiest way to lock or hide the individual pages in a PDF document. It is really useful when you want to quickly hide some of the pages inside a PDF document before sending it to someone.
You can download PDF Page Lock from https://pdfpagelock.com/.