FolderMove : Create Symbolic Links for Any Folder in Windows

A symbolic link in Windows is simply a shortcut to another file or folder. So if you create a symbolic link for folder C:\Windows, then accessing the symbolic link will be same as accessing the linked folder (C:\Windows in this case). The symbolic link, in itself does not contain any data but it redirects all the file operation to the linked folder.

You can use feature of Windows to move the installation folders from the system drive to any other drive in order to save space. For example, you can create a symbolic link for Firefox as “C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Firefox\” linked to some other folder stored in your add-on drive such as “D:\Firefox\”. Windows will think that Firefox is installed on the C:\ drive while all the data will really be stored inside “D:\Firefox\”.

In Windows, you can use the command MKLINK to create the symbolic links for files or folders. The command syntax is very simple – “MKLINK /D LINK TARGET” where Link is the symbolic link and the target is the folder to which the link points to. For example, MKLINK /D “C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Firefox\” “D:\Firefox\”.


But if you do not want to give all these commands, then you can use the FolderMove software. It also creates the symbolic links but you get the ease and comfort of using GUI. In the program window, you have to pick two folders – one folder that you want to move and the second folder where you want to move the first folder. After this, you can click on Move and set Symbolic Link button and it is all done.

But FolderMove is not only for creating symbolic links. It actually moves all the contents of the first folder to the second folder before creating the symbolic links. This is ideal for moving your large installations from C:\ drive on a solid state drive  to a large hard drive.

You can download FolderMove from