When you download fonts from online sources such as FontSquirrel, DaFont, or FontSpace, these websites display the preview of all the font characters so that you can know how each of the fonts look like. But when you are checking the font collection stored on your hard drive, you have to check the font preview for each of the fonts before finding the font that you fulfills your requirements. It would be a much faster process, if you stored the font previews of all the fonts in an image file in the same folder. This way you can just browse the image files and find out the font that looks interesting to you.
Font Export is a small program that can help you generate these font previews and save them as images for all the installed fonts. The user interface is pretty straightforward – you can click on the Select Font button to choose a font that is already installed in the system. The entire character set from the selected font shall be displayed in the window. You can choose the font face, font size, background color or the font color for the preview. You can then select any character from the preview, right-click on it and copy the image to clipboard for that single character.
If you want to export the images of all the character set, then you can click on Export Font button followed by selecting an output folder. You can select the output image format from BMP, JPG, GIF and transparent GIF. It will instantly create a number of images for all the character sets. All the images have the ASCII code number appended to the filename, so that you can easily find the images in the whole character set.
Font Export is a great way to export the preview images of the entire character set from a font in form of images. It is very useful if you intend to modify a font, edit it or just make preview files for your font collection.
You can download Font Export from https://www.alternate-tools.com/pages/c_fontexport.php?lang=ENG.