Scratchboard : Secure Vault for All Your Information

Scratchboard can be used to store all kinds of information that you would usually write on any slips of paper or scribble down on your notepad. You can save passwords, usernames, addresses, telephone numbers, website links, software license keys, bank account numbers, things to do and much more. It has a fairly easy-to-use tree-view interface to categorize all of your information that you can also search through and export as an XML file.

Scratchboard, just like all the other Gammadyne software products, uses a skinned interface and you can pick a nice skin from dozens of skins available through the menu. You can also change the font of the user interface and customize the appearance to your liking. In order to add new information, first you have to add a node to the tree-view data structure (which is more like XML data nodes). Then you can add information under these nodes. For example, you can add node “Family”, add a sub-node “Mom” and then add her information under it.

Copying of data from and to the Scratchboard interface is very easy. You can simple drag-n-drop text in the tree branches and it will be added. You can also paste the data from the clipboard. Similarly, you can quickly copy data from Scratchboard to clipboard. This makes Scratchboard very handy tool for filling the forms online.


If you are using Scratchboard as your bookmarks manager and are saving hundreds of website links in it, then you may want to check if any of those links has become dead over a long period of time. Using the Verify Link tool, you can quickly check which of the links are no longer working and edit them.

If you are going to store sensitive or personal information such as bank account numbers, passwords, addresses, and contact numbers then you should password protect the database file. Scratchboard offers password protection of files using strong encryption ciphers.

You can download Scratchboard from