One of the first things that I learned as a programmer was the importance of saving the often used code. My senior gave me access to his database that contained ready-to-use code snippets that we have to use again and again for various types of coding. It really made my life easy to code and save some parts of the code for later use. If you also want to get in this time-saving habit, then you can make use of an open-source app called Boostnote.
It is an app designed using Electron framework and works on all the popular platforms such as Windows, Linux and macOS. It can be used to save and organize code snippets and other text notes. This is a really useful application for the programmers and developers as they can store all of the code in it along with various tags. It allows you to search through your code based on these tags. It is similar to searching for code on a website like PlanetSourceCode or CodeProject – the only difference is that you are searching for your own code and your code is visible only to you.
Boostnode comes with syntax highlighting that can make going through a previously saved code snippet very easy. You can choose the syntax highlighting from Python, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML etc. It is not just a copy-paste application, it even allows editing the saved code right from inside the Boostnode window. You can add tags to your code snippets that can help in organizing and grouping the code.
Designed with the help of Electron framework, Boostnote sports a modern user interface that can be run at full screen mode if desired. It also supports markdown editing which helps you add notes other than the usual programming code snippets.
You can download Boostnote from