We all have some financial, social or personal files that we do not want anyone to access freely. We encrypt these files but they will still be easily visible to everyone. Instead of a simple file encryption program, you should use IObit Protected Folder that can not only password protect the folders but also hides them from the plain view in the Windows File Explorer.
First thing you are asked to do when you first launch Protected Folder is to set the master password. This password is case sensitive and is used to lock or unlock the files or folders. If you forget this password, then you won’t be able to unlock your folders. This is why it is advised to add a good password recovery hint.
The user interface of the Protected Folder offers a drag-n-drop approach. You can simply drag-n-drop any files or folders. You can click on the Lock button to lock the items in the list and Unlock to undo all the locking for any of the selected items. The locked items completely disappear from the Windows File Explorer and cannot be read or modified.
In the options for the Protected Folder, you can add some folders or files to the excluded list. These items will not be locked if they happen to be inside a folder that you have protected. You can also change the locking options such as whether to hide the protected items in File Explorer, whether to disallow read or write access etc.
With the help of IObit Protected Folder, you can hide your files or folders, password protect them and limit read or write access to them easily. It offers drag-n-drop operation to lock or unlock folders for quickly protecting your files and folders.
You can download IObit Protected Folder from https://www.iobit.com/en/password-protected-folder.php.