No matter how hard you try to avoid accumulation of identical files on your hard drive, it just happens. Identical files are also called duplicate files – the files that are exact copies of each other. If you are wondering how and why you would end up having these identical files on your computer, then you would be surprised to know how easily you yourself have copied them on your system when you were transferring pictures or videos from your smartphone or digital camera and used different folders each time. Another major cause of duplicate files is downloading the same files again and again instead of looking up the same file on the local storage devices, simply because it is much easier to download it again.
You can use a software like Duplicate Files Deleter to find and remove these identical files from your system. By removing identical files, you can not only retrieve valuable hard drive space but can also avoid the confusion when looking for these files.
Duplicate Files Deleter is designed to be very easy for everyone. It has a single window user interface. From the same window you can select one or more folders that you want to scan for duplicates. There are many filters to narrow down the files you are looking for – filename masks, file size filters, folders to be excluded or included and more. Clicking on Start Scan button initiates the scan and you will see the results in a listbox. The results are grouped together using a color and the group numbers. The color based grouping makes it very easy for you to visually find a group of identical files.
These results can be exported to a file for later use. You can select the files to be deleted. There is an auto-select feature that selects all but one file from each group. Selected files can be deleted, renamed or moved to a different folder. Unfortunately, all these features are not available in the trial version.
While Duplicate Files Deleter is easy to use, all the file removal features are disabled in the trial version making it difficult to actually “try” it. The program is compiled using now-dated .NET 2.0 which means that Windows 10 users will have to install .NET 3.5 SP1 in order to use this program.
You can download Duplicate Files Deleter from