When you are using a computer with small amount of RAM, you may frequently encounter situations when one or more programs consume too many of the system resources resulting in an unresponsive PC. When an application is hogging almost all of your system resources, then there is only one solution – forcibly terminate that application as soon as possible. This is where you will find Task ForceQuit Pro very useful. It is a professional task terminator software that offers many useful features.
When you launch Task ForceQuit Pro, it will display the applications running in the foreground. For each of these applications in the list, you will have two options – restart the process or forcibly quit it. When you want to reload a process fresh, then you will be using the restart option. If you just want to terminate the process and get over with it, then you can use the forcible quit option.
It is different from some other task management programs and displays only applications that are visible and are in the foreground. For example, it displayed only Notepad and System Settings app in Windows 10 while there are dozens of other processes running in the background. This could make things easier for beginners as they won’t have to sift through fifty or more processes with strange and confusing names.
In addition to the Task ForceQuit Pro window, you can also terminate or restart various applications from its notification area icon. You have to simply right-click on this icon and it will display all the running applications along with the options to restart or quit them.
Task ForceQuit Pro also have options to restart the PC or shutdown it altogether. This is useful when your system has become unresponsive and you just want to restart Windows. While the program is really useful, it s not free and does not let you carry out any operation until you buy the program license.
You can download Task ForceQuit Pro from https://softorino.com/taskforcequitpro2/.