When we find something interesting on Youtube, we might end up spending hours and hours of our time on watching those videos. I myself have spent many hours of late night watching documentaries about lost civilizations on Youtube one after another. We start watching videos on Youtube in the evening and before we realize it is already morning. This is fine for the weekends, but on weekdays you need some rest for starting the next work day.
If you are addicted to Youtube and still want the motherly reminder to go to bed when it is bedtime, then you can enable bedtime warning in the Youtube app for Android or iOS. Here is how:
- Launch the Youtube app on your smartphone, tap on your user picture near the top-right corner to open the menu.
- From the app menu, select Settings.
- Select the General category on the settings screen.
- Tap on Remind me when it’s bedtime on the General settings screen.
- You will see a small settings screen from where you can configure the time duration that is considered bed time for you – for example, you can choose between 10 PM and 7 AM to be your bed time. You can also choose to enable wait until you finish watching a video before the reminder is displayed. Finally tap on OK to set up the bed time reminder.
This is it. Now if you are watching Youtube videos on your smartphone and it is time for you to go to bed, Youtube will display a very simple reminder – “Time for bed”.
You can snooze it for a couple of minutes but it is always a good idea to go to sleep at the right time. Personally, I think all the parents and concerned spouses are going to love this bedtime reminder feature. in youtube