When you have multiple PDF files of same type, it makes sense to join them all together into just one PDF file. For example, if you have several receipts or invoices of the same kind or if you have scanned some files into PDF documents, you can join them all for neatness and better management. For joining several PDF files together, you can use an open-source program called PDFBinder.
PDFBinder is a Windows application that can be used to join multiple PDF files together in any order of your choice. It is a very small program that is designed using .NET 2.0 framework. After the installation, you can launch it from its Start Menu shortcut.
The user interface of PDFBinider is just a small window with a toolbar. The toolbar contains five buttons – add files, remove files, move the file up in the list, move the file down in the list, and bind/join the files. It features drag-n-drop interface so you can simple drag the PDF files on its window to add the files to the list. After this, you can change their order in which you want to join them, and finally click on the Bind button to join all of them together into a single PDF file.
You may get an error on your Windows PC if you do not have a PDF viewer application installed on your PC. In order to get around this error, you simply have to install a PDF viewer application like SumatraPDF, PDF XChange Viewer, Adobe PDF Viewer, Foxit PDF and more. These PDF applications must also be associated with the PDF files in Windows for the error to disappear. After installing and associated PDF files with a PDF software, you can safely use PDFBinder error free on your PC.
You can download PDFBinder from https://code.google.com/archive/p/pdfbinder/.