Apple Music Electron : Open-source Apple Music for Windows

Apple Music has been around for many years. If you have any Apple device such as Macbook Air or iPhone, then you can install Apple Music on them and start listening to the music and podcasts. You can also listen to the latest music previews and buy the music if you really like it.

But what about the Windows users who want to listen to the Apple Music library? Finally someone has created an application that can be run on Windows. Apple Music Electron is an Electron based program which is a light-weight and open-source alternative to the original Apple Music app. It does not require you to install iTunes software on your PC.

Apple Music Electron can be installed for all the users or only for the current user. In the former case, we have to launch the installer with admin level rights. When you launch Apple Music Electron for the very first time, it asks for the Apple ID credentials. If you already have an Apple ID then you ca supply the credentials otherwise you can create a brand new Apple ID. However, you have to first login to your Apple device (like iPhone or iPad) using this Apple ID or it won’t work on Apple Music Electron.

Apple Music Electron

The user interface of Apple Music Electron is exactly like Apple Music app for macOS. You can search and browse for the albums, songs, podcasts and more. You can also listen to the online radio from the Apple Music Electron. It can also be switched to the full-screen mode if desired.

Apple Mac users already have the original Apple Music app, this is why this third-party application will appeal mainly to the Windows owners. Thanks to this new software, now all it requires is an Apple ID for anyone to start enjoying the music and podcast shows on Apple Music.

You can download Apple Music Electron from