It is not that WhatsApp was not already very popular, but it has become even more popular because of the pandemic situations. So many organizations and businesses are now asking their employees to always be available over WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is owned by Facebook and this is why it is backed with a really reliable network. There is hardly any scenario where WhatsApp will have network or data center issues. Another reason why so many people trust WhatsApp is because it provides end-to-end encryption. The text chats between you and your friends are heavily encrypted and can be seen only by you or your friends.
If you are chatting with someone special over WhatsApp, then it makes sense to create a shortcut to your chat with them. This can save your precious time and you will be able to go straight to the chatting sessions with your friends.
Here is how you can create a short cut to WhatsApp chats on Android:
- Launch WhatsApp, select Chats section and find the person who you were chatting with.
- Tap on the chat that you want to create a shortcut for.
- When the chat is opened, tap on the menu and select Add shortcut.
- When asked tap on Add to add this shortcut on your Android homescreen.
- This is it. This new shortcut can be used to launch the chat session between you and your friend.
So this is how we can create a shortcut to any ongoing chat on WhatsApp. One of the major benefits of these shortcuts is that you do not have to waste time navigating through various parts of WhatsApp to find your favorite person. This becomes more and more important when we have hundreds of contacts on WhatsApp because then it would be very difficult to find the person with whom we were chatting only a few hours ago.