Adobe created PDF file format decades ago in 1990s and it has since become so popular that we cannot imagine everyday life without it. PDF file format is used for manuals, receipts, memos, assignments, ebooks, bank statements, and more. Some of the printers can accept a PDF file for printing directly through a USB port. PDF files can also be used for sensitive data as they allow for encryption and can be easily password protected.
While the use of PDF is so versatile, it can give you a real big scare when some of your important files become corrupt. Fortunately, there is a small software called PDF Fixer that can fix a corrupt PDF in a matter of seconds. It can fix the corrupt PDF files by restructuring the damaged PDF data and rebuilding XREF tables inside the files. All of this is done within a few minutes depending on the size of the PDF file and the number of pages inside it.
PDF Fixer is a small portable tool and can be used on any PC running the Windows version XP and above. It shows a small window on which we have to drop the PDF files. We can choose the folder where the fixed files would be copied. We can give it one or more PDF files at the same time and it will process them one-by-one.
As soon as we drag-n-drop the PDF files on its window, it goes into actions and start repairing the files. For testing purposes, it comes with a corrupt PDF file of its own named corrupt-sample.pdf. If you do not have any corrupt files, then you can try this one.
After the files are fixed, they are placed in the specified folder. By default, this folder is C:\FixedPDFs which is a perfect choice. It copies both the original corrupt PDF file as well as the fixed PDF file. The latter has fixed appended to its file name.
If your PDF files have become damaged and cannot be viewed properly in any PDF viewer application, then you should definitely try PDF Fixer. It can fix corrupt PDF files without confusing the user with any settings for the inner structures of PDF files.
You can download PDF Fixer from