Pattaizer is a software that creates patterns from source images of your selection. It uses a number of methods and pattern types to generate patterns from your images. The effects are applied in real time and the whole pattern is generated in a matter of seconds.
Pattaizer is available for Windows and Mac. It can be run without any external dependencies. It even comes with a number of sample source images that you can use for trying out this software. Basically, you can use any JPEG image as a source image. It supports a number of other image file types such as BMP, PNG, TIFF etc.
In order to choose one of the source image files, you have to select it from the File menu. After this we can continue to select a pattern type. There are many different types of patterns that can be generated, such as Pinch & Blow, Circular, Twiring Spirals, Hexagons, Horizontal Tube, Vertical Tube, Spheres, Simple Spheres, Spirograph, Kaleidoscope, Free Drawing, Manual Pattern Drawing, Smart Mesh, Broken Glass, Geometry Generator, Hermonograph, Pantograph, Lego Bricks, Ministec, Goo, Goo Pattern, and Escher Lines.
After this we can also choose a paper size such as A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6. We can also choose a mesh size and the lines. After making a selection of all of these, we can click on the Update Mosaic button to generate the new pattern.
Apart from the patterns, it can also create videos that show animated conversion of the source images into the patterns. These videos can use any of the codecs installed on your system. For better codec options, you may want to install packages like K-Lite Mega Codec pack.
There are two special patterns called Hernomograph and Pantograph that do not use the source image colors. They are used to simulate mechanical pattern generators. The designs they generate are really very high quality and impressive.
We can export these designs to local files or print them directly over paper through a connected printer. It can be a really good way to create abstract art and turn them into paintings.
You can download Pattaizer from