Quora is a great place to ask questions and answer those of others. It has been around for many years now and has been very popular. Anyone with a Quora account (which is free to create) can ask their questions and other people who have in-depth knowledge and experience on that matter are going to answer those questions. This is how we can both receive and give knowledge over this wonderful platform.
After Yahoo! decided to shutdown their “Yahoo! Answers” in May 2021, Quora has become even more popular as “Yahoo! Answers” users are also coming over to Quora slowly. Just like on Yahoo’s defunct platform, they are finding their new home very friendly. Quora is available through its web site as well as through apps for Android and iOS.
If you are also a regular user of Quora and use it through your web browser, then you can enable the dark mode for Quora easily. Here is how:
- Visit Quora in your desktop web browser by visiting https://www.quora.com/.
- Login to your Quora account by entering your user account credentials.
- Click on the user avatar near the top-left to pull down the Quora menu and select Dark Mode from there.
- On your screen, you will find three options – light mode, dark mode and auto mode. In order to enable the dark mode, select the option for dark mode and then click on the Done button. Changes are applied immediately and work only at the local browser level.
If you choose the auto mode option (which is selected by default), then it will change to dark mode or light mode automatically based on the setting for your operating system and the web browser. Such options are available for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS. You can also choose the light mode or the dark mode manually which hard sets them independent of the mode set by the operating system.