RSS Guard : Open-Source RSS & ATOM Feed Reader

Websites, blogs and news portals that publish new content frequently usually provide a feed URL. This feed URL can be in many different formats such as RSS, ATOM or JSON. Through this feed, we can find a list of the latest content published on a website.

Even though we can view this feed inside any web browser, it is much better to use a feed reader application such as RSS Guard. It is an open-source feed reader for Windows, macOS and Linux. It supports the feeds available in both the RSS, ATOM or JSON formats.  For Windows, it is available both as an installer and as a portable application.

We can create or add multiple accounts to RSS Guard. These accounts can be Feedly, Gmail, Google Reader API, Nextcloud News, Tiny Tiny RSS. The benefit of adding these accounts is that RSS Guard can directly download all your feed subscriptions from your accounts and display them in the RSS Guard interface.

RSS Guard

In addition, you can also add the good old fashioned feeds through their URLs directly. These feed URLs can be copied from the respective sites. When adding a new feed URL, we can also fetch the metadata from the URL directly including the site icon.

After you have added some feeds, you can fetch them from using the Feeds menubar. You can fetch them all, fetch only the selected feeds and more. You can also place the feeds in respective categories, so that you can find your new feeds quickly. The new feeds are also placed under the Unread Articles category.

RSS Guard

RSS Guard offers many useful features for fetching the new and latest feeds. It has an easy-to-use user interface and can be a daily use application to read the latest news, blogs or other things found online.

You can download RSS Guard from