Date Today for Firefox Displays Current Date & Time

So many times we forget what the current date and time is. For me, this always happens when I am busy working for a project and racing with the time to meet the deadline. Sometimes I become confused whether it is Tuesday or Wednesday. This is when we all have to find out the correct date and time.

We can always look at our smartphone screen, desktop notification area, or even Google for current date and time. But the simplest and easiest method to find the current date and time when working in the Firefox web browser is the browser toolbar.

We can use Date Today extension for the Firefox web browser to find the current date and time. It is a very easy add-on to use and does not come with any complicated options or features. After the installation, it places an icon in the Firefox web browser’s toolbar. If you look closely, the toolbar icon itself has an icon which displays the analog clock showing the current time. In the settings we can change the type of icons used for this purpose.

Date Today for Firefox

As we click on this icon, it displays a pop-down window displaying the current time and date. The time is ticking even though it displays only  the current hour and minutes. We can change the display style including the date and time format, the fonts used, the text size, the colors used for displaying the date & time etc.

In the options for Date Today, we can choose to make it quickly stamp the present date and time in the input text fields when on a webpage. This can save our precious time in both looking up the current date & time and typing in the current date or time.

You can get the Date Today extension for the Firefox web browser from