There are some applications or games that just push the limits of clicking with the mouse buttons. In these apps, you have to click fifty times before you can actually accomplish a task. Some of these apps are designed in such a way that user starts feeling tired just by clicking so much. This is true with the applications that offer wizard line interface and force the user to go through a large number of steps.
If you are also feeling exhausted just by clicking day in and day out, then you may reduce the burden on your fingers and extend the life of your expensive mouse by using OG Auto Clicker. It is a small portable versatile application for automatic mouse clicking – suitable for many different situations while using the computer.
OG Auto Clicker is designed to work with Windows and it does not have to be installed. It comes with a very pretty user interface. In its window, we have to choose four things – click interval, click options, click repeat and click position. The click interval can be manually selected from anywhere between 0.1 seconds to many hours. In the click options, we can choose the mouse button (left, right or middle) and the click type (single or double).
In the click repeat options, we can choose how many times the clicking is to be repeated – infinitely or a manually selected number of times. In the cursor position, we can choose the current position, pick a location or manually enter the X and Y coordinates on the screen.
In order to start the automatic clicking we can press the F6 button on the keyboard. If the clicking has been set to go on infinitely, then we can stop the clicking manually by pressing the F7 button on the keyboard. But there are also dedicated buttons in the OG Auto Clicker window for starting and stopping the clicking action.
OG Auto Clicker also sports two themes – light theme and dark theme. From its settings we can enable the dark theme and also make its window always stay on the top. Keeping its window on the top is useful when you want to manually stop it from clicking any further.
OG Auto Clicker is very useful for playing some games when you have to keep clicking to move ahead in the game. It can also be used to keep the Windows from going into the sleep mode. For this purpose, we can use the random click function which keeps simulating a mouse clicking now and then.
You can download OG Auto Clicker from