Redwood Extracts Resources from Binary Files

All the computer programmers know that the binary files like EXE and DLL might contain some resources. These resources includes images, icons, audio and other types data. The icons used by various applications are embedded inside an application in this manner. For example, the Firefox web browser icon that you see in the Firefox browser is placed inside the resources section of its various DLL and EXE files.

While these resources are compiled and packed into the binary files at the time of compiling the project by the developers, they can also be extracted later using a tool like Redwood. It is a portable application that can be used to view and extract any kind of the resources from a binary file. It can extract resources from EXE, DLL, CPL, OCX and any other PE files.

Redwood Icon Extractor

In order to extract resources from any supported files, we can first launch Redwood and then open a binary file in it. As soon as a file is loaded, it will scan the resources from that file and display them in a categorized tree view. All the

We can launch Redwood using the command line interface too. When using the command line, we can give the full path name of a binary file as the parameter to load that file in Redwood. This way Redwood is launched with that target binary file automatically loaded. Now all we have to do is select a resource and extract it somewhere on your PC.

Redwood Icon Extractor

The resources displayed in Redwood can be of many different types such as bitmap, cursor, icons, manifest, string tables, version information and any other user defined data. There could be other types of the resources such as accelerators, dialogs or menubars but these types of resources are not displayed by Redwood possibly because there is nothing interesting in them to extract. The extracted resources are placed anywhere you choose in a file format belonging to the resource types.

You can download Redwood from