Bitwar HEIC Converter : Convert HEIC Images to Other Formats

There are many image file formats that are available today. One of the most popular image file format is JPEG. It has been around for many decades and has served its purpose beautifully. It has provided decent quality with high compression of the image data. But now things have changed and now we have access to much more advanced image compression algorithms.

A newer image file format HEIC is slowly becoming popular specially with the Apple Mac users. All the recent versions of macOS have inbuilt support for HEIC image file format. HEIC format offers even more compression that JPEG and better image quality.

If you have HEIC images on your Mac and want to share them with Windows or Linux users, then you may want to first convert them into other common image formats such as JPEG. Similarly, if you are a Windows user and someone sent you an HEIC file, then you have to first convert it into other image file formats. For both of these, we can use Bitwar HEIC Converter.

Bitwar HEIC Converter

Bitwar HEIC Converter is available for both Windows and Mac. In both cases, it helps us convert HEIC image file formats into other common image file formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, WEBM. It can convert HEIC images in just three easy steps.

In the first step, you have to launch Bitwar HEIC Converter and drag-n-drop all of your HEIC images on its window. You can also click on the “Add” button to browse and select the HEIC image files.

In the second step, you can choose the target image file format (e.g., JPEG), image quality, image resize ratio, and whether you want to keep the EXIF data. We can use the source directory as the output directory or choose a custom folder. And finally in the third step, we can click on the “Convert” button to start the conversion.

In the free version, it adds a watermark on all the converted images. It also limits how many times you can use the application. In the paid version, all these limitations are removed in addition to free technical support.

You can download Bitwar HEIC Converter from