We all want to be able to create our own PDF files but when we search online for PDF editors, we are shocked to see the expensive PDF software available. But we do not have to purchase expensive PDF editors meant for large companies or professionals. There is free PDF creating software available easily online in form of virtual PDF printers such as 7-PDF Printer.
7-PDF Printer installs a virtual PDF printer on your Windows computer. Its community edition is available for free for everyone. The standard, professional and exert editions are not free and you have to buy a license for a small fee.
During the installation of the 7-PDF Printer, it downloads more components to be installed on your PC. These components include GhostScript Lite, Xpdf, and PDF Power Tool. These components can also be manually downloaded and installed from the 7-PDF Printer website.
7-PDF Printer works as a virtual printer after the installation. In order to be able to print PDF files from almost any application under Windows, we can print an open document using this printer.
When we choose to print using this 7-PDF Printer virtual printer. It shows additional windows from where we can choose many options. We can choose to append the output to an existing PDF file. We can decide to compress the images contained inside a PDF. We can choose a compatibility level for the PDF version. We can add watermarks to the PDF files being produced. Watermark can only be text based.
7-PDF Printer makes it very easy for Windows users of any experience level to quickly create their own PDF documents. We can turn almost any kind of document – Word document, PowerPoint slideshow, text files, webpages, and images into PDF files using 7-PDF Printer.
You can download 7-PDF Printer from https://www.7-pdf.com/products/pdf-printer.