How to Compress PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat Online

When sending PDF files through an email message, it is always better to attach the PDF files of the smallest PDF file. The smaller files are easy to be sent as an attachment. For producing the smallest possible PDF files, you can compress the contents of a PDF file. During the compression, all the images are compressed (at the cost of the picture quality) and any unnecessary information is removed.

There are two ways to compress a PDF file – either you download and install a PDF file compressor software, or you can use the free Adobe Acrobat online PDF compression tool.

Here is how you can compress PDF file using Adobe Acrobat online:

  1. Visit in your web browser. We recommend using Google Chrome web browser.
  2. Click on the Select a file button to choose a PDF file that you want to compress. You can also drag-n-drop the PDF file on the Adobe Acrobat site where the button is displayed.Adobe Acrobat PDF Compression
  3. You will be three options for the compression of the PDF file – high, medium and low. These three compression levels provide different levels of compression of the PDF data. High compression produces smallest size of PDF file with a standard quality. Medium compression produces medium size of the PDF file and a little better quality. Low compression gives us a large size of the PDF file but produces the best quality. You can also see the estimated size of the PDF that is going to be produced by each of the compression levels.Adobe Acrobat PDF Compression
  4. As you click on the Compress button, you will be taken to the download link of the compressed PDF file. Depending on the size of the original PDF file and the number of images or pages in it, Adobe Acrobat may take a longer time to compress it. You can download the final PDF to your computer and check the quality of the PDF contents.

So this is the fastest way of compressing a PDF file without downloading or installing any software. The method works best on the PDF files containing many images as they get compressed using the JPEG compression.