Koodo Reader : Manage and Read All Kinds of eBooks

While it is still more convenient to read books in their physical paper format, more and more people are choosing the e-books over their physical editions. There are many well known ebook readers available for  purchasing the ebooks and reading them. For example, there is Amazon Kindle using which we can buy and read thousands of e-books.

But if you want to read books on your desktop computer and you want to try something other than Kindle app, then you can use a freeware program called Koodo Reader. It is an open-source e-book reader that can also be used to manage your e-book collection. The software can be used on all the major desktop operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS. It is available both in form of an installable package and as a portable program.

The user interface of Koodo Reader reminds of Amazon Kindle desktop app. It has a library which allows of adding all of your e-books. We can simple drag-n-drop the e-books on the Koode Reader window and it will automatically add the e-books in the library that it uses.

Koodo Reader

It supports all the popular formats such as EPUB, PDF, DJVU, DRM-free Mobipocket (MOBI) and Amazon Kindle (AZW3), TXT, FictionBook (FB2), comic books archives (CBR, CBZ, CBT), Word documents (DOCX) and all the HTML files.

It allows you to read books in night mode, as well as underlining text, adjusting the font size and full configuration while reading – setting line and paragraph spacing, text coloring and setting screen brightness.

You can also add bookmarks, notes and highlight your favorite e-books. There are also additional functions such as text-to-speech and text translation. Koodo Reader also supports cloud storage and we can sync all your data with Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox.

You can download Koodo Reader from https://github.com/troyeguo/koodo-reader.