Adolix Split Merge PDF : Free PDF Joining Tool

While using PDF files on a Windows PC, we often come across huge PDF files containing hundreds of PDF files. These huge PDF files take too much time loading up in the PDF viewer apps. In the same manner, it takes a long time to search for a peculiar page in a huge PDF file. This is why sometimes we wish that we could split the large PDF files into smaller PDF files. Thanks to a free tool called Adolix Split and Merge PDF, we can split a large PDF file into smaller PDF files.

Merging or splitting PDF

This tool can also merge multiple smaller PDF files into a huge PDF file. This could be needed when we want to join many single PDF files into a single PDF. For example, we can put together a PDF file comprised of multiple PDF files containing the payment receipts when you went on your vacations. Instead of having fifty receipts, you can have a single PDF file.

Mixing two PDF files

The user interface of Adolix Split and Merge PDF has three tabs. Each of these tabs is dedicated to a different function such as split, merge and mix. The first tab is for splitting the PDF files, the second tab is for merging PDF files into a single PDF, and the third tab is for mixing pages from two different PDF files and produce a single PDF file.

Adolix Split Merge Tool

Easy access from context-menu

The program also adds itself to the right-click context-menu entry on Windows File Explorer. If you open the context menu by right-clicking on a PDF file and choose the “Adolix Split and Merge PDF” function then you can add that PDF file directly into the Adolix Split and Merge PDF window. This can save you some time selecting the PDF file manually.

Password protections & watermarks

In addition to producing the PDF files by splitting, merging or mixing the PDF files, it can also password protect the created PDF files. It can also add watermarks to the PDF files. For the watermarking the PDF files, you can use a PNG image and set its position on the PDF page.

Limitations in the freeware

The freeware has certain limitations. For example, you cannot merge more than five PDF files. Similarly, first 50 pages in the PDF file are considered when splitting a large PDF file.

You can download Adolix Split Merge PDF from