Linguix : AI Based Writing Assistant in Many Languages

After ChatGPT became public last year, suddenly artificial intelligence has been appearing everywhere. Various organizations involved in AI development have also released their own tools that make use of AI models of various kinds. Writing tools have not stayed untouched with this new development.

Now there is a new writing assistant software called Linguix which is powered by AI. This software can help us do many things including checking for the basic grammatical mistakes. It can also check your article and tell you how you can improve it by changing the words or the sentences. It can use some really interesting algorithms to make the content stand out much more.

Linguix require internet connection in order to work. You also have to create an account without which the Linguix features are not available. Since it has many features, we can use it in many different ways:

For checking grammatical errors:

Linguix can be used as a tool that can check your existing writing and show you whether you have made a grammatical mistake. It can also show different ways of conveying your message with better words and improved literary styles.


For kick-starting a new article:

If you have the basic idea about writing a new article, press-release or letter, then you can give that information to Linguix and it will use AI to generate starting text for you. It generates around 200 words of the article, but you have to add more data yourself.

For re-writing an article in a new way:

If you have already written some content, then you can ask Linguix to improve it for you and show you some pointers about improving it. Depending on the content type, Linguix can show you what more can be done to this content to make it look more appealing to the readers.

You can download Linguix from