When we send PDF files to other people, we do not always know how they are going to use those PDF files. They can copy paste data from these PDF files, extract the pages into image format, or print them off their printers. But if you want to restrict the PDF files from being printed all the time, then you can use a freeware tool called PrintOnly.
This small tool can modify the permissions of a PDF file so that it can be only printed. It means that the resulting file can be printed only, it cannot be viewed inside a PDF reader application. Furthermore, we can restrict the number of times that file can be printed. We can also set an expiration date on the file after which it cannot be printed anymore.
In the PrintOnly user interface, we can drag-n-drop our PDF files to add them to the list. After adding files to PrintOnly, we can decide the expiration date and the number of times that PDF is allowed to be printed. In addition, we can also set a text based watermark on all the PDF file pages.
When we click on the “Create PrintOnly Files”, it puts restrictions on the selected PDF files and generates a POF file. This file (POF) cannot be opened in any regular PDF viewer. For opening this file we need PrintOnlyClient application which comes bundled with PrintOnly. It can also be downloaded from the website of PrintOnly.
When we launch PrintOnlyClient and open the POF file inside it, it immediately sends that POF file to a connected printer. There is no other operation allowed. If you share this POF file with someone, then you also must send them a link to download the PrintOnlyClient application. Fortunately, the application creates a text file with the link which can easily be shared with your friends.
You can download PrintOnly from https://printonly.net/.