Stefan Trost Media FileRenamer : Batch File/Folder Renamer

When handling a large number of files coming from a device such as the digital camera, we often find the Windows File Explorer to be lacking. It allows mass renaming but all the files have the same names followed by a number in the brackets. For much more advanced renaming, we need special software such as Stefan Trost Media FileRenamer.

FileRenamer is a Windows application that allows quick renaming of a large number of files. Using this renaming tool, we can mass rename thousands of files in a short time. It can be used to append, delete, replace, insert, or truncate the file names. Basically it allows all the string functions that are allowed on a Windows PC.

The user interface of FileRenamer includes a list in which we have to add all the files that are to be renamed. We can add files separately one by one or we can add an entire folder containing thousands of files. Once the files have been added, we can begin  adding the renaming rules.


There are more than a dozen renaming rules given for use. We can select any of these rules and then modify their parameters. For example, we can search and replace some text from all the filenames. Similarly, we can make changes to add mask, to search & replace, to replace some common things, to insert strings, to delete text, to delete character groups, to append something at any position, to truncate the filename, to rewrite the entire filename, to change the filename to uppercase or lowercase, and to adjust the numbers etc.

In the same manner, we can make changes to the file extensions as well. The software also allows making changes to the file attributes. The window displays a preview of how each of the files will look like after applying the changes. We can finally apply the changes using the “Apply Changes” button.

You can download Stefan Trost Media FileRenamer from