Format Detector .NET : Finds the Correct File Format Type

Format Detector .NET is a small portable Windows application that analyze and tell us about a file type. It is very useful in finding about a file type that the user does not know about.

Imagine you end up with a file that your boss has sent over the email message. But the file format is either unusual and you have never seen it, or there is no file extension to the file. In this situation, you can simply use Format Detector .NET to detect the file format and it will instantly show us more information.

Format Detector .NET is designed using Microsoft .NET 4.8 and we must have the related files and run-times installed before we can use it. The developer website has the links to the requirements and the files which need to be installed. But the application itself (Format Detector .NET) does not require any installation on its own.

Format Detector .NET

The user interface of Format Detector comprises of a neatly designed window. We can drag-n-drop our unknown format files on this window. Alternatively, it also has a browse button clicking upon which we can select the unknown file to be analyzed. We can select only one file at a time.

It takes only a few seconds to analyze the dropped file. It uses a local database to determine the file type. Once the analysis is complete, it will display the file type in as much detail as possible.

It can determine the file type using a dual database. It can match the file header signatures and it can also look for the metadata. For example, if you drop an MP3 file on its window, you will see that it shows both MP3 and ID3 in the detection window. We can copy this information to the clipboard for further use.

You can download Format Detector .NET from

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