SAV7 : Portable File Encryption Utility for Windows

The best way to protect your sensitive files from getting into the wrong hands is by encrypting them. Even though Windows 11 comes with powerful encryption feature BitLocker, it is an overkill if you want to encrypt just a couple of files. Then there are third party encryption software which give so many options that the user end up getting confused.

If you are looking for a simple yet powerful file encryption tool then you can try SAV7. It is a Windows application that can encrypt and decrypt files using the power AES cipher. It can be downloaded and installed on Windows 7 and later versions. It is available for download in form of a setup installer and also from the Microsoft App Store.

In the user interface of SAV7, we see two sections – the upper section is for the encryption of the files. The lower section is for the decryption of files that were encrypted using this software.

SAV7 Encryption

When you want to encrypt a file, you have to select it in the upper section of SAV7 by clicking on the Choose File button. This software does not use passwords for encryption. It generates a key file for encryption when we click on the Generate Key button. This key file is required for decryption later. We can finalize the encryption by clicking on the Encrypt button. The encrypted file is saved with a SAV extension.

The decryption of the files is similar to the encryption. In this case, we choose the encrypted file and then the key file. After this we can click on the Decrypt button to finally decrypt the file and get the original un-encrypted file.

SAV7 makes it very easy to encrypt or decrypt files on a Windows PC. It does not use the traditional passwords instead it uses more reliable key files. There is only one SAV7.exe file in the installation folder which makes it turning it into a portable application easily.

You can download SAV7 from