Easy File Organizer : Arrange and Manage Files on Windows PC

We are all in the habit of copying everything on the desktop of our Windows PC. When we want to copy pictures from a digital camera, we conveniently copy them to the Windows desktop. When a friend comes with a USB pendrive, we copy the files from the pendrive to the Windows desktop. When we want to download an important document, we just download it to the Windows desktop. Before you realize it, the Windows desktop becomes a crowded place.

With the help of Easy File Organizer, we can quickly organize and arrange our files. This software uses a number of filters to find out the files in a folder (for example on the Desktop). Once you have found out the files based on the filters, you can move them to a separate folder.

Suppose that your source folder has many different type of files stored in it such as audio, video, documents, text, PDF and more. You can use Easy File Organizer to filter the MP3 files and then send them to the Audio folder. You can repeat the process for all different format of files and arrange them as well.

Easy File Organizer

The filters available in this application include type, extension, alphabet, file size and the file modified date. It has options to either move the files to new folders or just copy them to the new folders.

Easy File Organizer is very fast in processing the files. According to the developer, it can process 1000 files in less than a second. So if you have been downloading all sorts of files in the same folder, then it is time to start using Easy File Organizer. It can neatly organize the files based on a number of factors such as the file types, file extensions, file modified date and more.

You can download Easy File Organizer from https://qiplex.com/software/easy-file-organizer/.