Find AI Generated Text with Deep Fake Detector for Firefox

After ChatGPT became public, everyone has been using it for a myriad number of reasons. Professionals are using it for creating reports, coders are getting help in their coding, writers are getting their book’s chapters finished faster, and even students are finishing their homework using it.

With such a widespread use of advanced AI models like ChatGPT for content creation, distinguishing between human-written text and AI-generated text has become increasingly challenging. AI models, such as ChatGPT and others, are capable of producing text that closely mimics human writing. This has raised concerns over misinformation, academic dishonesty, and the overall credibility of online information.

To address this issue, the Firefox extension Deep Fake Detector offers a powerful solution, allowing users to analyze text for authenticity directly from their browser. This extension uses its own AI models to detect the AI generated text.

Using Deep Fake Detector

Deep Fake Detector is a user-friendly Firefox extension designed to help users identify whether a piece of text is authored by a human or generated by AI. Once installed, it provides three convenient ways to analyze text:

  1. Right-click menu: Simply highlight the text on any webpage, right-click, and select “Scan for Deepfakes”.
  2. Hotkey: Select the text and use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Comma (,) for a quick scan.
  3. Toolbar icon: Click on the extension’s icon and choose to scan after selecting the desired text.

Deep Fake Detector

Four AI Models

The extension supports four advanced AI models for detection: ApolloDFT, ZipPy, UAR, and Binocular. Users can opt to use any combination of these models for their analysis. Among them, ApolloDFT stands out as the fastest and most accurate, making it an ideal choice for users seeking quick and reliable results.

Interpretation of Results

Deep Fake Detector might display three different outcomes based on its analysis through its four AI models. The results will differ depending on which AI models you have selected.

  1. Human Author Likely: When the majority of selected models indicate that the text was probably written by a human.
  2. AI Patterns Detected: When most models identify AI-generated patterns in the text.
  3. Model Conflict: When the models are evenly split between human and AI authorship. In this case, no conclusion can be reached.

Deep Fake Detector

These results empower users to make informed decisions about the authenticity of the content they encounter online.


In an age where the line between human and AI-generated content is getting increasingly blurred, Deep Fake Detector can throw some light on the source of the online content. By offering accurate and accessible text analysis, it might show some insight into the origins of the text material available online.

You can download and install “Deep Fake Detector” extension for Firefox from

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