Open new tabs at extreme right in Firefox

Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 has a new tabbing behavior : when you click on a new link which is supposed to be opened in a new window or tab, or you right-click on a link and select – Open in a new tab, the tab is inserted right next to the current tab. This is different from the older behavior when the new tab was opened to the extreme right of all the tabs. If you do not like the new tabbing behavior, there is a way to change it back to the older way of tabbing.

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Check for Firefox plugins updates

Firefox users are advised to update the plugins installed in the Firefox browser from time to time in order to prevent any interruption while browsing or due to exposure to malware, viruses and other security threats. Plugins do not always update automatically, hence, users need to check from time to time whether the installed plugins are up to date.

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Create shortcuts for fast shutdown

Normal way of shutting down Windows (no matter if it is XP, Vista or 7) is clicking on Start Menu button (or orb in Vista and 7) and selecting to shutdown. This way of shutting down may take a considerable time because it waits for all programs to close. You can create a shortcut on your desktop for a faster shutdown.

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