You just finished your important report, left your computer for a minute and when you came back your little cute kid is has randomly pressed the Del key to delete the whole report! What a nightmare! You do not have to worry about this kind of situation, if you have installed Kid-Key-Lock. Using the Kid-Key-Lock you can lock the mouse and the keyboard whenever you want. Here is how :
- Download DOF Kid Key Lock setup file from
- Run the downloaded setup file to start the setup wizard. Follow the on-screen steps to finish the setup.
- After the installation, you would see the Kid-Key-Lock icon in the system tray as shown,
- Double clicking on this icon opens the Kid-Key-Lock setup window.
- In the Setup window, you can select the different levels of keyboard locks, from no lock to full lock. You can select which mouse buttons are to be locked. If you lock all the keyboard keys and the mouse keys, then typing the password is the only way to unlock it. Click OK to save the settings.
The default password to quit Kid-Key-Lock is kklquit, so it you want to quit it anytime, just type kklquit on your keyboard, no matter which window is in the focus. Ofcourse, you can change this password in the Setup window. Similarly, the default password for showing the setup window is kklsetup.