Many times when you try to open a web site, the web browser throws up an error and does not load the web page. It may say something like server not found. Before you start thinking that it is a problem on your computer, first thing to check would be if that site is down or not. Sometimes the web server is down, or the site is undergoing domain name server changes etc. It may also be possible that your internet connection is dropping to access that site. You can quickly check if that site can be accessed by others using the Uptime Auditor. Here is how :
- Visit
- Type the web site address for which you are experiencing server down errors. Then click the Check button.
- In a few seconds, you would be shown the results. The results show the time when an attempt to access the site was made and the location of city from where attempt was made. It also shows the port (always http), response time in seconds and the status. If a web site is up and working, then you will see a green checkmark in the Status field. If the web site is down, then you would see a red cross in the status field.
If you see that the web site is up and working using the Uptime Auditor but still you cannot access it, then it may be a network problem or web browser problem on your side. You can try different web browsers and check if you can access the web site using a different web browser to eliminate any browser problems. You can also try accessing the web site using different operating systems like Linux to eliminate system configuration problems. You should also check by changing your DNS servers.