Audiggle : Identify Which Song is Being Played

When we listen to a song that we have never listened to before, then we want to know more about that song – when that song came out, what is the name of the album and artist etc. This happens to all of us especially when listening to the radio. Earlier I used to try to memorize the lyrics to later google them and hoping to find some information. But now I have found an amazing application called Audiggle which can identify any song or music being played on your PC, Radio or TV.

Audiggle can provide the answer to all your – “What is that song?” type questions. Audiggle is the definitive music ID software. Whatever the source of music on your computer, it can give you the title and artist. Audiggle software captures a short clip of whatever audio is playing on your PC. It then searches a huge database of similar clips, and returns the answer. Audiggle works best with high quality audio, but can even recognize background music in a TV or Film scene.

You can download and install it on your PC from the Audiggle’s website. The download is around 1 megabytes. Audiggle supports both Windows and Mac. When you run Audiggle after the installation is complete, you would find a log in window. You have to enter you Audiggle username and password in this window. If you do not have an Audiggle account, then you can register for a new account by clicking on the Register for free.


After logging in, you would be shown the main Audiggle window. Clicking on the Search button would popup the Audiggle configuration dialog where you have to select the recording options. You can choose Line In or Microphone as the recording device. After the tesing, you can just click on the Search button and it would search and identify the currently playing song or music. The Audiggle search is powered by Gracenote – the same technology used by the popular Winamp media player.


When it recognizes a song, it displays the artist’s name, album’s name and the track’s details. On the right side of the window, it also shows links to amazon, iTunes, twitter and facebook – clicking on these opens them in your default web browser. You can buy the album from the amazon store or if you want to buy the single track, then you can get it from the iTunes store.

Audiggle is a very nice tool for all the music lovers. You no longer have to keep wondering and asking people about a tune or song that you listened on radio, tv or some other place. Audiggle can quickly identify it and also lets you buy them from amazon and iTunes.

You can download it from Audiggle website at

Update (Jan 2013): Audiggle has been discontinued. You can try Midomi music identification and search tool.