Sometimes we want to distribute the PDF documents online but at the same time we do not want people to rip its contents, print it out or extract its content. This is why Adobe has created the features of restrictions in PDF documents. You can restrict your PDF documents from being printed, text content from being copied or images from being extracted etc., by enabling these restrictions using the Free PDF Protector. The same application can also password protect your PDF files so that when someone tries to open it, they are asked for the password.
You can download the Free PDF Protector from the 4Dots software website. The download is a setup installer that comes packed with PUP (potentially unwanted programs). You have to be carefully during the installation, or it will download and install multiple toolbars and other unwanted software on your PC.
During the installation, there is an option to integrate Free PDF Protector into Windows Explorer which adds a right-click option for PDF files. If you have selected this option, then you can right-click on any PDF file and choose Encrypt PDF. This will open the Free PDF Protector window with that PDF file pre-selected.
You can also add PDF files directly in the Free PDF Protector program. You can even add a folder containing multiple PDF files. Then you can add the PDF opening password (which will be asked every time someone tries to open the PDF file) and the owner password (which is necessary to set the permissions). In the permissions, you can set to allow or disallow permissions for PDF copying, printing, annotations and more.
You can also choose encryption strength from 128 bits or 40 bits. After you have set passwords and the permissions, you can just click on the Protect button in the toolbar. This will encrypt the PDF, add password protection and save the PDF files in the pre-specified output folder.
Conclusion: The Free PDF Protector is very easy to use PDF encryption tool for Windows. It can add password protection, permissions such as copying, printing, annotating, viewing on screen readers etc.
You can download Free PDF Protector from