Last week when I visited my friend James, I came to know that he was using a new version of FileZilla (an open source FTP program). I wondered why I don’t have the latest version and soon figured out that my friend uses a program called Glary Software Update that keeps informing him about any new versions of the installed software available for download. I tried this software too and it showed me a big list of updates for the software that was installed on my Windows PC. The Glary Software Update is a very helpful program to find the updates (including beta versions) of installed software and you can actually save your precious time that you would have otherwise spent on checking different websites for the updates.
As you launch Glary Software Update, you will realize that it does not have much of a GUI interface. It just collects the data from your Windows PC and sends it off to the Glarysoft servers. The data primarily consists of your Windows version, installed software and their versions.
After a brief analysis, it informs you of how many new updates and beta updates are available for your installed programs. Then it launches a new browser window where you can see a detailed list of all the software and the available new versions. You can click on the green download buttons for each of these updates to download and install them.
In the small Glary Software Update window, you can choose to customize the results displayed by clicking on Customize Results. This opens a list of available updates and for each program, you can choose to show all releases, hide the current update or hide all future updates.
Conclusion: Glary Software Update is a small but useful program to find the latest updates for your installed software. It displays a list of available updates and beta versions that you can download easily and install in your PC.
You can download Glary Software Update from