On the internet, all of your accounts are protected by just a password whether it is your online banking account, email account, FTP account, PayPal or some other account. If any of these credentials (username and passwords) get into the wrong hands, then you can imagine how much damage can be done to you by cyber-criminals on both the financial and personal levels. They can siphon out all the money from your bank accounts, sell your credit card information and misuse your personal details in any possible way they want. The only way to make your online accounts securer is to use stronger passwords. We, at TrishTech.com, have always suggested that you always create stronger passwords with password generators like Norton Password Generator and many others. But if you are a Chrome user, then you can actually use the built-in password generation feature of the Chrome browser to get a strong password whenever you are on an account creation webpage.
In order to enable this password generation feature in Chrome, you can follow these simple steps:
- Type chrome://flags in your Chrome browser’s address bar and press Enter.
- Scroll down and find the flag labeled Enable password generation in the long list you would see.
- Change the value of Enable password generation to Enabled.
- You would see a new button appear labeled Relaunch Now. Click on this button to save the settings and restart the Chrome browser.
- Now you can visit any account creation web page where you have to enter a password. For example, you can visit twitter.com main page. After filling up rest of the information on that webpage, as soon as you click on the password field, Chrome would suggest a password for you. You can select the password to use it.
- If you do not like this suggested password, the simply click somewhere else on the webpage and click back into the password field again. Chrome will suggest another password for you.
The passwords suggested by Chrome are very secure as they use all the possible combinations of the characters (lower case, upper case, numerals and special characters) and are always twelve characters long. All the passwords you use are automatically copied to the saved passwords list and you can always recover them from there. You can read our article about how to view saved passwords in Google Chrome to know how you can recover these passwords.