I have never felt the need to change my mobile network provider, and I have been using the same provider for last eight years. And as you would expect after so much time and having used the same SIM card in more than five mobile phones, one day it just stopped working. No mobile phone was able to get network signal with this SIM card. So finally I contacted my mobile network provider for issuing a duplicate SIM card. All I had to do is fill in an application form with the mobile number and the SIM serial number associated with the old SIM card. Now everybody knows their mobile number, but where do one find the SIM serial number? It must have been written in the booklet that came with the SIM card when I first bought it 8 years ago, but now I longer have that booklet.
When I told the intelligent looking salesgirl my problem, she smiled at me, asked me whether I had an Android phone. As I said, “Yes”, she took the phone from me and installed an app called Sim Details in it. And in a few seconds, I could see all the details related to the inserted SIM cards in it.
If you also want to know all the possible details about your SIM card, then you can also use the Sim Details app in your Android smartphone. It can show you details like phone number, IMEI number, SIM serial number, subscriber ID, network type, network code, operator type, operator code, voicemail tag, voicemail number, ICC card type and more.
The Sim Details app also comes with a convenient share option that allows you to share all the details about your SIM cards using any of the communication apps/options in your smartphone like email message, text message, bluetooth transfer etc.
Verdict: Sim Details is a very useful app for Android users and allows them to know everything there is to know about their SIM cards. Although it has a useful share option in it, it would have been much better if it could save the details to a text file or PDF document.
You can get the Sim Details app for Android from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.thinkbyte.simdetails.