If you have started using Windows 8, then you know that Windows 8 apps can be closed by dragging the upper edge of the app screen to the bottom edge of the screen. When you become familiar with this drag and drop action, the classic method of closing programs may look a little awkward to you – especially if you are using a touchscreen computer. If you want to close the Windows desktop programs using the same drag and drop action, then you can try your hands on the free Process Closer software. It lets you close any program by allowing you to drag its icon on the target program’s window.
Process Closer is available for all the versions of Windows starting from Vista to 8.1. The requirement of installing .NET 4.0 framework is a must for Windows Vista and 7. After the installation, you can launch it either from the Start Menu or from the desktop shortcuts. In Windows 8, you can also search the program from the Search Charms (Win + Q).
As the Process Closer is launched, it will place a system tray icon in the Windows notification area. You can click on this “blue plus” icon to open a Drag & Kill popup. Now you can right-click on this Drag & Kill popup and drag it to the window of the target program that you want to close. That program shall be closed instantly (sometimes the program asks if you want to close it).
In the settings for the Process Killer, you can choose whether you want to close the process, kill the process, kill the process along with all the child processes, forcibly close the programs without letting them cleanup the memory or saved work and launch the Process Closer automatically at Windows startup.
Conclusion: Process Closer allows you to quickly terminate programs just by a simple drag & drop action. It is very useful if you have a touchscreen PC and you do not want to tap the close icon in a program’s window to close it. Instead, you can just use the drag and drop method of Process Closer to quickly close any open window.
You can download Process Closer from http://www.adminscope.com/downloads/process-closer/.