FreeSpace for Android Shows Available Free Space in Your Smartphone

A few days ago, I was making a video using my new Samsung Galaxy camera and suddenly it stopped in the middle saying that the there is no space left for storing the movie. I had an eight GB memory card attached to the Samsung Galaxy phone and it was very surprising to see that how quickly it all got filled up with pictures and videos. Even though I have configured my Android smartphone to automatically upload the pictures and videos to the OneDrive cloud storage, the free space on my memory card often runs out frequently. This is why I have started to use the FreeSpace app for Android that displays you the total amount of free available space on your smartphone. This can be very useful to know before you start to capture the video of an event.

The FreeSpace app for Android can show you the free space available on your Android device in all the different places – internal SD card, external SD card, protected storage, system memory and so on. It can also tell you if you are running out of free space for regular device usage.

Launching the FreeSpace app will show you a list of all the different types of partitions present on your smartphone. It will show you the percentage of free space available on each of these partitions. If there is enough free space available, then it is shown in the blue color. If the free space has run out to a critical level, then it is displayed in the red color. If you are close to running out of the free space, then it is shown in the orange color.

FreeSpace for Android

Basically, you should be concerned about the external memory card as this is the place often used for storing the pictures and videos. If you do not know how to use the external SD card for storing all the data by default, then you can read : how to change the default storage location in Android.

In the settings for FreeSpace, you can choose whether you want to display partition names, choose the unit of memory size used, customize the colors for memory space displayed for all the different levels (normal, warning and critical) etc.

FreeSpace for Android

Conclusion: FreeSpace app for Android displays the available free space on your Android device. Knowing the free space available can be of great help before you embark on a new video project using your smartphone camera.

You can get the FreeSpace app for Android from