When looking for the products on the online shopping websites, we all have to click five or six times before we are shown the full large scale image of the product – no matter which shopping site you are checking. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we did not have to click on those small thumbnails to view the larger version of the product images? The Power Zoom extension for the Chrome web browser addresses this question and allows you to view an enlarged version of the image without having to click on the thumbnails. Using this extension, you can just hover your mouse cursor over the thumbnails to view the larger pictures that are usually accessible only when you click on these thumbnails and open a new webpage.
After installation of the Power Zoom extension in Chrome, it will present you with the settings screen. In the settings, you can choose which websites should be allowed to use the Power Zoom functionality without having to hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard. It already has a big list of the popular websites that do not require the use of the Ctrl button, for example, ebay, Bing, Baidu, Myspace, Outlook, Pinterest, Reddit and so on (a total of 25 websites). You can also configure it to zoom pictures without using Ctrl on all the websites.
Once you have set the options to your preferences, you can open any of the supported websites and hover your mouse over any smaller picture. That small picture will immediately be shown in a larger version on the same webpage. It even works on TrishTech.com. On other websites, you may have to press and hold the Ctrl button when hovering over the thumbnails to view the larger pictures. On certain websites, this extension does not seem to work.
Conclusion: The Power Zoom extension for Chrome allows you to zoom in on any image that has a larger version accessible by clicking on it. If you do not want to waste your mouse away by clicking multiple times just to see a larger picture on different websites, then you should definitely give the Power Zoom extension a try.
You can get the Power Zoom extension for Chrome from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/power-zoom/jlioidldolgbmanndggdnldambdlglgj.