Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall Protects from CryptoWall Ransomware

Ransomware is a special type of malware that encrypts the files on the infected PC and then demands you a ransom in return of decrypting the files. Although the concept of ransomware is nothing new, but there is a sudden rise in ransomeware infections in the past few years. Security researchers have recently discovered a new ransomware called CryptoWall that demands $500 as the ransom. In order to prevent your files from getting infected and encrypted by the CryptoWall, you can use the free Bitdefender Anti-Cryptowall tool that can immunize your Windows PC against CryptoWall (and possibly other similar malware too).

As you download and launch the Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall tool in your Windows PC, it immediately shows a popup window near the system tray of desktop showing that the CryptoWall protection is on. You can turn on (or off) the immunization by clicking on a small on-off flip switch. Immunization basically prevents any executables from being run from the %AppData% and the %Startup% folders.

In the settings for the Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall tool, you can choose to run this tool automatically each time Windows starts (to keep getting continuous protection), minimize the application upon startup and upon clicking on the close button of its window.

Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall

Bitdefender Labs advise that you should use the Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall tool as an added layer of protection from the CryptoWall malware, in addition to using your regular up-to-date antivirus software. This Anti-CryptoWall tool can block encryption of your files even if your system has actually become infected with the CryptoWall ransomware.

Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall

Conclusion: Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall protects your Windows PC against the unsolicited encryption of your files by the CryptoWall ransomware. This can save you from hours and days of trouble of restoring files from the backup and even worse – paying the ransom.

You can download Bitdefender Anti-CryptoWall from