Evernote is the notebook for the digital times – it can store your notes, addresses, todo task, graphics, clips from web pages and so on in easy to be searched and categorized format. You can import pictures directly from your digital camera into this wonderful tool. In addition, all of your data is stored on the cloud, so that you can access it all from anywhere on the planet. Since you are storing your personal data on Evernote cloud servers, you should take extra precaution and enable the two-step verification to prevent your account from being hacked through the username and password theft.
When you have enabled the two step verification in Evernote, you are required an extra 6-digit code generated on your smart phone or sent to your registered mobile phone number. This extra security layer can easily thwart a potential hacker’s attempt to access your Evernote data just by knowing your Evernote username and password. You can enable two step verification in Evernote in the following manner:
- Login to your Evernote account in any standard web browser. Click on the account username near the top-right corner of the screen and select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.
- On the account settings screen, select Security Settings from the left-side menu and then click on the Enable link given under Two-Step Verification.
- You are shown some basic information about what two-step verification is going to do. Then you will be asked to verify your email address as well as your mobile number. Both of the steps require you to enter the codes sent to the respective services. In the end, you are given an option to choose the code generator app for your smart phone.
- As you choose one of the code generator apps, you are shown a QR code that you have to scan using the code generator app in your smart phone. As soon as the code generator app scans the QR code and registers your account, it starts to generate codes for your Evernote account that you have to enter back to verify that code generator app has been configured correctly.
- That’s it. Your two-step verifications setup is complete and now whenever you try to login to your Evernote account, you will be asked for an extra authentication code in addition to the username and password.
Conclusion: Enabling two-step verification in Evernote adds an extra layer of security to your account so that nobody can access it even if somehow they manage to find out your Evernote username and password. This can prevent your Evernote data from being hacked in case of possible password leaks or thefts.