Emojis have now become a necessity of modern writing style. A single smiley can convey the feelings that would have taken at least three carefully written sentences. And the smilies are not limited to online chats, you can use them anywhere – in personal letters, email messages, text messages, comments, social networking interactions and your blogs. We have earlier posted about how you can use the Windows 10 in-built touch keyboard to use the emojis anywhere in your PC. The Emoji Cheatsheet for Firefox does more or less the same thing bu from within the Firefox web browser.
Emojis can be used in three main ways – using universal text codes, using unicodes codes and using the small icons. The universal text codes like 😀 work only in the apps that support them. Similarly, unicode may not be supported by all the apps. But the icons are small images and can be used universally everywhere. The Emoji Cheatsheet for Firefox supports all of these methods.
After installing the Emoji Cheatsheet in Firefox, you can click on its toolbar icon to open the fly-out window from where you can select emojis. These emojis are categorized in various groups – smilies, flowers, animals, transportation and more. As you click on the emoji, its code or icon is copied to the clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere you want.
In the options for Emoji cheatsheet, you can change the method used for displaying the emojis – universal text codes, unicode characters and the small icon images. You can also choose a keyboard shortcut to open the Emoji Cheatsheet window.
Emoji Cheatsheet is a great companion for all those Firefox users who enjoy their time commenting and interacting with others online via social networking, email messages, forum comments and so on. Using the small emojis, you can add human feelings to your otherwise boring and lifeless text.
You can get the Emoji Cheatsheet extension for Firefox from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/emoji-cheatsheet/.